




Ghost Caught On Film At The Torquay Museum

The photo seems like to be a woman’s face coming out of the floorboards at Torqay Museum, the UK. It was taken amid a 'Night at the Museum' ghost hunt in May when people in general and specialists in the paranormal spent the night there. After the occasion, museum staffs looked at pictures captured on the night and were stunned to see the 'ghost'.

The museum, known for having the only human mummy in Devon, is presently arranging a second night at the museum experience.

Carl Smith, who works at Torquay Museum, said “It appears to be a woman, and from the angle of the photograph it looks like she is submerged into the floor, almost like she is below floor level.”

“We had a Paranormal Experience evening, during which an amazing photo of what appears to be a ghost was taken. We were very excited about the picture, as we were taking photos all over the place, and it wasn’t until afterwards when we examined them more closely that we noticed it, which was quite spooky… It’s a pretty clear photograph, and there was no one else present when the photo was taken. So we are at a loss to explain it. It is a bit of a mystery, and there seems to be no other explanation.”

Most of the equipment in the Old Farmhouse was quite old and the oldest chair has been dated at around 300 years of age. The majority of the furniture and equipment has had a great deal of human interaction, and perhaps this is the place the energy has originated from.
