Watch how this orphan reacts when she meets her new 'momma'
It was an enthusiastic scene at Houston's Bush Airport, as many unique needs kids from China landed to meet their temporary families, and trust in a perpetual home.
Like each mother would, Audrey Shook spotted Lucy, 6, immediately and from the minute they initially met, there was a moment association.
"Hello there! Hello there! I'm momma," said Shook, as Lucy seemed to rehash "momma" back to her.
It's an end to a trip that began long back for the Texas couple.
"We began dating in secondary school and I knew in those days I needed to embrace from China," said Shook.
Be that as it may, when the couple got pregnant, they put the thought on hold. After nine years, came a feature of Lucy. They went gaga for the young lady, who was in a halfway house a world away.
"I've generally cherished children with extraordinary needs, particularly kids with down disorder," said Shook.
"These are the children that are undesirable, they are the children no one else needs, they've been perched on records for their whole life or sitting in a halfway house," said Shannon Phillips, with Great Wall China Adoptions.
The organization requests that families host unique needs vagrants for four weeks, yet the Shooks effectively made up their psyches.
"She's excellent and sweet and we just can hardly wait for her to be our own," said Shook. They couple has officially begun the procedure to receive Lucy.
"We don't see it as we are going to help her, we see it as she's going to help us with our lives," said Brent Shook, Lucy's impending father.