An Illustrator Re-Imagines Famous Characters and They've Never Looked Better!
The Beast as the Hulk
Isaiah Stephens (Lowell, United States) makes drawings, paintings, mixed media artworks and conceptual artworks. By using popular themes such as surrealism, heroism, sexuality, fantasy, and adventure, Stephens touches various overlapping themes and strategies. Several reoccurring subject matter can be recognised, such as the relation with popular culture and media, working with repetition, provocation and the investigation of the process of expectations.
His drawings often refers to pop and mass culture. Using written and drawn symbols, a world where light-heartedness rules and where rules are undermined is created. With a conceptual approach, he tries to approach a wide scale of subjects in a multi-layered way, likes to involve the viewer in a way that is sometimes physical and believes in the idea of function following form in a work.
His works directly respond to the surrounding environment and uses everyday experiences from the artist as a starting point. Often these are framed instances that would go unnoticed in their original context. Through a radically singular approach that is nevertheless inscribed in the contemporary debate, he uses references and ideas that are so integrated into the process of the composition of the work that they may escape those who do not take the time to explore how and why these images haunt you, like a good film, long after you’ve seen them.
His works are a drawn reflection upon the art of drawing itself: thoroughly self-referential, yet no less aesthetically pleasing, and therefore deeply inscribed in the history of modernism – made present most palpably in the artist’s exploration of some of the most hallowed of modernist paradigms.
Quasimodo as Austin Powers
The Evil Queen as Amy Winehouse
Jafar as Michael Jackson ft. Lago
Cruella De Vil as Lady Gaga
Aladdin and Abu as Ash and Pikachu
Alice as Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Wendy Darling as Princess Leia
Tinkerbell as Beatrix Kiddo
Jane Porter as Lara Croft
Esmeralda as Michonne
Kida as Storm
Peter Pan as Link
John Smith as Johnny Bravo