




Computer engineer created a twitter bot to enter contests and won over 1000 prizes in about 9 months

Some people have all the luck. Others build Twitter bots to automatically enter online contests.

This is the story of how I wrote a Twitter bot to automatically enter contests and ended up winning on average 4 contests per day, every day, for about 9 months straight.

Illinois-based Hunter Scott, an electrical engineer at Motorola Solutions, did just that. And now he's got a collection of swag as big as Santa's workshop.

Most Twitter users have stumbled upon those hashtag-happy messages promising the chance to "win a prize pack!" in exchange for a retweet. But how likely is a social media victory? Should you just take your chances in Vegas instead?

To answer that question, Scott wrote a Python script that logs into Twitter, searches for messages with phrases like "retweet to win," and, well, retweets them.

However, the 1000 wins came only after participating in a whopping 1,65,000 contests. Scott didn’t even claim all prizes owing to several reasons – concert tickets at a far away location and so on.

Scott penned down the interesting and hilarious story in a blogpost which also shows an image of everything he won. Out of which, he says the cowboy hat is his favourite as it is autographed by a Mexican opera that he hadn’t even heard of. Talking about the most valuable thing he writes about a trip to New York fashion Week. It also included ‘a limo ride to the show if you lived in a state near New York for you and a friend, and $500 spending money each, and tickets to some of the shows’ However, the location and the additional tax he would have to pay on $4000 win, stopped him from claiming the price.

"I also won a lot of currency to online games (like FIFA). And when the game Destiny was giving out beta codes, I won about 30 of them through as many contests. I won a lot of cool stuff too though, and getting mysterious things in my mailbox each day was pretty fun," he writes in the blog.

He accounted some strange things he had to go through in the process of participating in so many contests. “In a strange turn of events, I even encountered an example of someone offering MY autograph as a prize. I have no idea how they were going to pull that off, because I had never even heard of this person,” he said.

If you have enough time to spare and want to see the full list of things he won, click here.