He brought a plastic bag home.. You don't believe what was in it
Pui an amazing dog is living happy life in his small, rural Thailand town.He loves to wander around in search of food scraps. One day, when he was rummaging through some garbage, he came across something a little out of the ordinary. Pui knew that plastic bag contained something unusual, so he brought it home and barked loudly to get attention. The man's 12-year-old daughter came to the door when she heard the dog frantically barking, and she was shocked at what she found inside the plastic bag.

She came face-to-face with a very premature baby.

They rushed the weak baby straight to the hospital, where she was hooked up to an incubator.
Red Cross officials awarded him a leather collar and a medal as a token of appreciation for his noble act. A local man also donated a sizable amount of money to cover the costs of food for the pooch that should leave him happy for quite a while. Now, he is a true hero dog.
More info: bangkokpost

She came face-to-face with a very premature baby.

They rushed the weak baby straight to the hospital, where she was hooked up to an incubator.
Red Cross officials awarded him a leather collar and a medal as a token of appreciation for his noble act. A local man also donated a sizable amount of money to cover the costs of food for the pooch that should leave him happy for quite a while. Now, he is a true hero dog.
More info: bangkokpost