




Milwaukee Coast Guard looks to make stray dog its mascot

The U.S. Coast Guard may be taking a page from the Milwaukee Brewers playbook - not in baseball, but rather in creature selection. 
Barnacle is a 2-year-old terrier blend who is currently living at the Coast Guard station in Milwaukee. Unimportant Officer Anthony Kaminski's wife discovered Barnacle meandering in a supermarket parking area while Kaminski was positioned in South Florida. 

The Kaminskis burn through six weeks searching for his proprietor, yet nobody approached. 

At the point when Kaminski was reassigned to Milwaukee before the end of last year, he conveyed Barnacle to the station and inquired as to whether he could turn into their official mascot. 

"I needed to converse with the group about it in light of the fact that, at last, the team needs to deal with it and the team is dependable," Chief Eric Hopperdietzel said. "From the first day he touched base at the station, he was simply comfortable and simply adored everyone." 

The group took a vote, and Barnacle was in. 

"We have a vest aiming to get him that has his name," Hopperdeitzel said. 

Kaminski thinks Barnacle has discovered his eternity home. 

"They adore him, and he cherishes them, as well," he said. 

After the official printed material is finished, Barnacle is relied upon to be named the official mascot of Coast Guard Station Milwaukee this fall. 

Two years prior, the Milwaukee Brewers embraced Hank, a stray canine found close to their Maryvale spring preparing office two years back. Hank now lives with an individual from the Brewers staff and shows up in the interest of the group.