




10 Cell Phone Life Hacks, For Better Reception

10 Cell Phone Life Hacks, For Better Reception

Cellphones have been steadily evolving over the years. Now everyone in the world has a Cell Phone. Phones are our constant companions, no one knows us better than our phones! They wake us up in the morning, they tell us the weather so we know to bring a coat, and they connect us to the outside world. But what, if we know 10 Cell Phone Life Hacks which will make our life more easiest than we are living now. See how opening a window can double your cell phone signal, and explore 9 other tips and tricks for finding better cell phone reception. Have a look at this video.

10 Cell Phone Life Hacks, For Better Reception

In this video you'll see how to;
- Access a secret “Field Testing” screen on your iPhone.
- Learn how to see the ACTUAL strength of your signal. (“Bars” aren't usually accurate.)
- Find the cell tower you're connected to right now, and make a “real life” connection with it.
- Force your phone to latch onto stronger signals nearby.
- Prevent texts, and voicemails, from coming through delayed.
- Double your signal, simply by rolling down a window.
- Find which carrier best covers the area where you live, and whether you should switch.
- Use a “Femtocell” or “Cell-spot Router” to re-direct calls through the internet.
- Use “Wi-Fi Calling” mode to send messages from the sky, and save on international roaming charges.
- Use a “weBoost” signal booster to eliminate dead-zones and dropped calls in your home, office, or car.