




Give your WiFi a 4X boost with a beer can!

Give your WiFi a 4X boost with a beer can!

These days, routers usually come as standard with broadband. Without router, internet connection is just a lan and food for the PC only. But a router can make your broadband connection - A WiFi access point. So you can connect all devices to it and enjoy the highest speed of internet. But if you have a large house or simply a problematic area where the Wi-Fi signal from your main router isn't strong enough, it's possible to use a second, spare router you may have lying around to cure the problem. For example, it's great to have a screaming-fast wireless network, but if you only get decent speed when your laptop is right next to the router, the speed isn't worth much. You need to boost the signal's range. If you can barely open friends' Facebook pictures when you're in the same room as the router, then we're talking about problems with speed. and you didn't know there are many tricks available to boost the WiFi signals like a beer can boost your wifi signals 4times. Watch out the video and give it a go – all you've got to waste is a can! Give your WiFi a 2X - 4X boost with a beer can!

Beer Can WiFi Booster!