




Rules to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks

Everyone can lose weight in 2 weeks, but you should be very careful when it comes to choosing the method that will help you reach your goal. You should not try to lose a large amount, because it may endanger your health, so if you want to lose weight without repercussions, follow these simple rules:

Rules to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks

Rule #1
The first thing you must do is to stop eating junk-foods, because they are so high on calories and fat that they will make weight loss impossible. Another thing that you need to say goodbye to is the habit of eating out, because the food they serve in such places contain a much higher amount of calories than what you need. Either that or try to learn to watch what you eat, even when you are out on a date or with friends. This requires self-control and dedication. You also need to stop drinking soda and start getting used to water or green tea.

Rule #2
Fibers can be very helpful when you’re trying to lose weight, because they need longer period of time to be digested, which means that they will make you eat less often. You can increase your fiber intake by eating more fruits and vegetables. This is also a good idea if you want to accomplish your goal of losing weight in 2 weeks. By replacing the otherwise unhealthy snack with fruit, you will eat a smaller amount of food when mealtime arrives. As for vegetables, if you don’t like to eat them plain, you can have them as a side dish, either boiled of fresh.

Rule #3
In order for your weight loss plan to be successful, you need to do something that is easier said than done, you need to eat less calories than you burn. This means reducing your calorie intake by 500. Might not sound like much, but it will make a difference, just wait and see. If you are curious to find out how this can be accomplished, you can save 200 calories by not drink sodas anymore and replacing high-fat foods with low-fat ones.

This also means saying goodbye to processed and fried foods and getting used to eating fish and lean meats. By doing so you will lose weight faster and you will also improve your health in the process.

Rules to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks

Rule #4
One of the secrets of losing weight in two weeks is an increased metabolism. This can be accomplished by eating six small meals a day, instead of three larger ones. This way your body will be getting a constant supply of food and energy, therefore stopping it from feeling hunger. This will also stop you from looking for snacks between meals. And because when hungry, we usually resort to unhealthy foods, all you will do is destroy your weight loss efforts.

The results won’t appear right away, you will have to wait until the second week to see the fruits of your labor.

They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Well, if you want to lose weight in the given time frame, it better be. By having breakfast on a daily basis you will kick-start your metabolism. This needs to happen because at night your body is still shedding those extra calories and in the morning it needs to be convinced to keep going. 

And by having breakfast you will make sure that you start the day on the right foot and in a good mood, therefore making the whole day easier. 

This article is provided by Karen Cole. She is one of the many bloggers on health and fitness niche. To find out more health and fitness articles, visit Karen’s blog or HealthBenefitAdmin Facebook page