




This Baby Girl Has An Inoperable Brain Tumor, So Her Parents Did A Photoshoot To Show Their Love

When Abigail Jones was born on August 6th, her parents already knew the odds were stacked against her, but then came the diagnosis: their little angel had an inoperable brain tumour and probably didn't have long to live. Despite this crushing news, however, Erika and Stephen Jones were determined to fill her short life with love. At our 30 week ultrasound, our Dr. discovered that a mass had developed in the left hemisphere of Abigail’s brain. A MRI done after birth confirmed that nothing can be done to treat the tumour, it is too invasive and aggressive. Our hearts were broken and our minds weighted with questions and fear of the unknown to come. The neurosurgeon recommended that we take Abigail home and cover her with love. This heartbreaking photo shoot captures their bitter-sweet family life.

More info: (h/t: abcnews)

This Baby Girl Has An Inoperable Brain Tumor, So Her Parents Did A Photoshoot To Show Their Love

“We have smothered this little one with love and kisses and will continue to do so every moment we get”

“We don’t want to lose our daughter. We want to see her laugh, dance, fight with her sister, ride a bike, go to school… we want to see her life”