




Yes, You can build a personal Quadcopter [DIY]

Personal quadcopter that can fly and take pictures is really what we want. They are costly enough to buy, but what if we can build a new one! Yes, i found the beginner guide to build an amazing quadcopter.

Yes, You can build a personal Quadcopter

Building a DIY Quadcopter: A Complete Beginner's Guide

This is a real short clip of my quadcopter hovering up and down and moving sideways. I tried to keep the height as minimal as possible as I am inside my living room, but as you can see, even with that it flies up to my head (approx 6 feet). Outside, it flies like a rocket! Unfortunately, my landing gear isn't as strong, and because I am not an experienced pilot, landing often causes parts to break off (especially the propellers). Regardless, while in the air, it flies wonderfully, and it truly is something else to see something you built actually fly!

More info: instructables