




11 Selfies Taken Just Moments Before They Died

Today we all know about Selfies, we love to capture our moments with our own hands using smart phones. Now taking 'selfies' has become a craze of sorts. Some unlucky ones go to the extremely ultimate heights to take pictures of themselves. But sadly those moments turned out to be their last. This happened to these unlucky guys too!

Selfies Taken Moments Before Death

This is a selfie snapped by the famous Puerto Rican musician Jadiel, uploaded to Instagram moments before he had a fatal motorcycle crash in New York in May, 2014.

In December 9, 2012, Mexican pop star Jenni Rivera and her entourage of six, took this selfie right before taking off on a private jet which sadly crashed and left no survivors.

On April 26, 2014,Courtney Sanford (32) crashed her car and died just seconds after posting her selfie on Facebook, while listening to Pharrell Williams’ ‘Happy’. The crash into a truck proved to be fatal.

Gary Slok and his mother took this selfie minutes before taking off from Amsterdam on Malaysian Airlines flight MH17, which was shot down over Ukraine in July, 2014.

Xenia Ignatyeva took a selfie from a bridge 28 feet off the ground to impress her friends. The 17-year-old Russian girl lost her balance and fell on a cable, which tragically electrocuted her.

Jared Michael gets kicked in the head by train conductor when taking selfie with passing train. Michael died soon after.

This 13-year-old girl named Karen Hernández wanted to take a selfie on the banks of the El Tunal river in Durango, Mexico. Unfortunately she fell into the river and drowned; firefighters recovered her body in July.

Selfie of some of the Beas River tragedy victims: 48 students and 3 faculty/staff members of V.N.R. Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering were on a plant tour. Some of them were getting themselves photographed on the banks of the Beas river on the Mandi-Manali National Highway NH-21, when they were washed away as the water flow in the river suddenly increased.

21-year old Oscar Otero Aguilar lost his life when he tried to take a selfie with a gun for his Facebook page in July of 2014. The Mexican gun enthusiast accidentally shot himself in the head and didn't survive.

These two friends were headed to a bachelorette party when this picture was taken. Not a minute later they were struck, and Collette Moreno, the bride-to-be, was killed in a head on collision.

These two Iranian women wanted to take a selfie while singing karaoke in the car .They got so engrossed that they stopped watching the road and crashed into another car.

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